Business Booking Details

Payment Of Invoices

For bookings from established businesses, we do not require payment at the point of booking.

We will send you an invoice which you can submit to your accounts payable system.

Purchase Orders

If your employer uses a purchase order (P.O.) system to manage supplier invoices that is no problem.

  • If you already have a P.O. number when booking add it to the PO number box on the booking form, and we will include it on your invoice.
  • If you need an invoice to generate a P.O. number in your accounts system, please book the course as normal and add a note in the PO number box – to be provided
  • We will send you an invoice (without a P.O.) which you can use to generate a P.O..
  • We will then re-issue your invoice with your P.O. included when you provide us with it


You are not able to pay directly online at the time of booking, we issue an invoice for all bookings.

We accept payment either via direct bank transfer or card

Our invoices contain our bank details if you would like to pay by bank transfer and there is also information on how to pay by card.

Please note, if you are using a business card there is a surcharge of 2% to cover the payment processing charges.

Master the basics of SPSS on this two-day training course.

This is a hands-on course. It includes lots of time to practise what you are being taught and try things out for yourself.

By the time you finish, you’ll be comfortable using a wide range of SPSS’s core features.

✔ A complete beginners’ course that covers all of SPSS’s basics.
✔ Plenty of one to one attention and time to ask questions.
✔ Friendly expert trainers and small groups.
✔ All the materials and extras that you’ll ever need.

What Will I Learn?

With plenty of practice included, this course will soon have you working independently in SPSS.

You’ll learn about

  • Reading and Modifying Data.
  • Variable Properties.
  • Describing Relationships Between Variables.
  • Selecting Cases.
  • Regression Analysis.

Am I Ready For This Course?

This is a beginners’ course so you do not need prior experience with SPSS.

We would recommend that you have experience of working with Windows computers and an awareness of statistics before attending.

Course Details

  • Explain the basic steps of data analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics

  • Describe the choices on the file menu to read and save data files
  • Read Excel files

  • Describe all the variable properties
  • Define variable properties in the Variable View window
  • Define variable properties using the Define Variable Properties dialog
  • View variable properties interactively using Variables Utility

  • Use the features of Visual Binning to group a scale variable
  • Use the features of Recode for categorical variables
  • Automatic recode of string [text] data
  • Create new variables with numeric expressions
  • Create new variables with conditional numeric expressions
  • Merging files
  • Aggregating data

  • Select the appropriate procedure to summarize the relationship between two variables
  • Use the Crosstabs procedure to summarize the relationship between categorical variables
  • Use the Means procedure to summarize the relationship between a scale and a categorical variable
  • Use the Correlations procedure to summarize the relationship between two scale variables

  • Describe and use the features of the Select Cases dialog
  • Describe and use the features of the Split File dialog

  • Simple regression analysis
  • Multiple regression analysis
  • Adding dummy variables into a regression analysis

Online Training Requirements

To attend this SPSS course online, you will need:

SPSS on your Windows PC/laptop with a camera, speakers & microphone
A stable internet connection capable of running Zoom
To be a confident computer user and able to use Zoom

If you have access to a second screen, we would encourage you to use it as it improves the experience.