Business Booking Details

Payment Of Invoices

For bookings from established businesses, we do not require payment at the point of booking.

We will send you an invoice which you can submit to your accounts payable system.

Purchase Orders

If your employer uses a purchase order (P.O.) system to manage supplier invoices that is no problem.

  • If you already have a P.O. number when booking add it to the PO number box on the booking form, and we will include it on your invoice.
  • If you need an invoice to generate a P.O. number in your accounts system, please book the course as normal and add a note in the PO number box – to be provided
  • We will send you an invoice (without a P.O.) which you can use to generate a P.O..
  • We will then re-issue your invoice with your P.O. included when you provide us with it


You are not able to pay directly online at the time of booking, we issue an invoice for all bookings.

We accept payment either via direct bank transfer or card

Our invoices contain our bank details if you would like to pay by bank transfer and there is also information on how to pay by card.

Please note, if you are using a business card there is a surcharge of 2% to cover the payment processing charges.

Develop the skills you’ll need to lead a team on this 2-day line manager training course. 

This in-depth course is very interactive, involving lots of practice and role-play.

By the end of this course, you will be able to :

  1. Optimise your team’s working style and communication.
  2. Define success both individually and also for your team as a whole.
  3. Build a team that trusts you and enjoys working with you.

The Trainer

Jo Cherry

Jo is one of our regular line management trainers and has been a professional development coach for over 20 years and is a member of the CIPD.

She started her career as an engineer before moving to a pharmaceutical company, spending 18 years in a variety of roles across HR, customer service and training.

On The Day

Our courses run from 9.30 am to approximately 4.30 pm.

We include everything you need for a great day of training:

  • A full-colour line management training manual.
  • Plenty of tea, coffee, and biscuits throughout the day
  • A comfortable, fully air-conditioned training centre.

Line Management Course Details

Click on the sections below to see full line management course syllabus details.

We begin by introducing the content of the course and encouraging delegates to introduce themselves and explain what they hope to gain over the next two days.

We begin by focusing on how you ensure that you can communicate clearly with your team.

  • Communicating effectively, both one-to-one and with your team as a group.
  • Listening so that you really hear what your team members are telling you.
  • Why it is important that your behaviour matches your other communication and how to ensure this.

During this section, you will learn and practice tools and techniques to deal with a variety of situations, particularly dealing with difficult situations.

This includes roleplaying scenarios for possible 1:1 conversations with team members.

We look at the skills and characteristics of an ‘ideal manager’ and then compare and contrast these with your current skill set.

Whether you are about to become a line manager or already in the role, we make sure that you are clear about your new responsibilities and have a plan to deal with them and the inevitable issues that will arise.

  • Supervision, Leadership & Management. What are these roles? What are the differences between these roles? What responsibilities go with each of them?
  • The Transition. How you deal with the change from being a team member to a line manager.
  • How you will now need to organise yourself, your time and your priorities to ensure you are an effective line manager.
  • How you will need to manage the resources at your disposal to ensure maximum productivity from your team.

This session includes an exercise where you speak about the challenges and successes of being in a leadership role.

If you are already in the role, you can draw on your experiences to date. If you are very new to management or haven’t started yet, you can speak about what you foresee as potential problems and what you think will make you feel good about being a manager.

We look at how you communicate to your team and what success looks like, both as a group and individually.

We then look at how you can help your team to achieve that success.

It focuses on:

  • Expectations your team have of you.
  • Your expectations of your team.
  • Defining and measuring success.
  • Setting and measuring objectives and goals.
  • Taking responsibility and being proactive.

This section gives you the chance to practice running a team meeting.

This section focuses on understanding what motivates you and your individual team members to achieve your goals.

It covers:

  • Identifying your team’s strengths and minimising the impact of any weaknesses
  • Understanding different individual styles and how to manage and motivate them
  • Building each member of your team’s skills and capabilities
  • Ensuring your team is organised and effective in achieving goals and meeting targets
  • Giving feedback (positive and negative)
  • Dealing with difficult and under-performing members of your team appropriately

This section gives you the chance to practice a 1:1 conversation during which you give constructive feedback to an underperforming team member.

We explore different working styles and how they might help or hinder your team from achieving more.

We also look at team planning and development for individuals and your team as a whole.

We will focus on:

  • Working with your team members to identify strengths, development areas and career aspirations
  • Utilising succession plans and technical and managerial “ladders” and continuing professional development to motivate technical experts and potential leaders alike
  • The GROW model for coaching and improving performance

We look at developing:

  • Considering the impact of your beliefs and values on your ability to lead and manage others
  • Recognising and combatting imposter syndrome
  • Developing a personal style that enables you to lead successfully in your own way

This is the final session of our line management course.

It is time set aside for you to work on your personal action plan and discuss it with us and the rest of the group.

When you leave you will be 100% clear on how you will implement what you’ve learned with your team.

While the tools and frameworks that we teach are universal, their exact application varies according to each specific situation.

We believe that helping you to work through that as you get to grips with being a line manager is critical to building your confidence.

Online Training Requirements

To attend this Line Management course online, you will need:

Zoom on your computer with a camera, speakers & microphone
A stable internet connection capable of running Zoom
To be a confident computer user and able to use Zoom

If you have access to a second screen, we would encourage you to use it as it improves the experience.