
Learn to deal with difficult situations clearly and calmly on this assertiveness training course.

Acting assertively does not mean that you act unfairly or without empathy.

The influence and power that assertiveness brings comes from self-assurance and a clear communication style, not from bullying or intimidation.

Acting assertively will mean that you are viewed as a leader, and are someone who people will enjoy working for and working with.

By the end of the assertiveness course, you will have developed your assertiveness skills and:

Understand the difference: assertiveness, aggression and passivity.
Understand how your beliefs impact your communication.
Understand the importance of key communication skills
Looking for and finding the Win-Win in any situation
Deal with real-life situations with confidence and self-belief.

The Trainer

Jo has been a professional development coach and trainer for over 20 years. She is Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD) certified.

She started her career in engineering before transferring to a leading pharmaceutical company. She spent 18 years there in a number of leadership and technical roles.

She has worked in a number of fields such as HR, customer service and training.

Is This The Right Course For Me?

This assertiveness course is for anyone wishing to increase their assertiveness and self-confidence.

By the end, you will be able to discuss your ideas and opinions calmly and make sure that you are heard and respected by others.

Becoming more assertive will make you a more effective delegator and team member.

The Training Day

We provide everything that you’ll need for this assertiveness course. It is a really fun, busy day of training.

Our courses run from 9.30 am to roughly 4.30 pm with refreshments throughout the day and a break for lunch.

We offer a relaxed, supportive learning environment, fully air-conditioned facilities and some of the nicest instructors on the planet.

Also, included:

  • A full-colour assertiveness workbook to keep.
  • All notes and handouts from the training.
  • A certificate of attendance.
  • Refreshments throughout the day.

This course runs in conjunction with our sister company, Development Academy, which is focused on professional development training.

We begin this assertive communication course by discussing with everyone their strengths and weaknesses.

We try to clearly identify the key difficult situations that each delegate faces and whether they show assertive behaviour.

We then look at where they would like to be when returning to work after the course

  • Analysing current strengths and weaknesses
  • Identifying critical situations
  • Establishing the desired outcome

This session looks at the pros and cons of different styles of communication. It looks at how your style will change if you improve your self-confidence and become more assertive.

  • What they are and how to recognise each one
  • When to use them – advantages and disadvantages of each
  • Recognise the links and the differences between aggression, assertiveness and passivity

We begin this assertiveness course with the foundations of assertiveness skills. Your beliefs and values will drive your behaviour so we spend some time looking at where problems with assertiveness usually come from.

  • What are they and where do they come from? (Eric Bern PAC)
  • How can they affect behaviour?
  • How can you modify them?

Assertiveness is all about communcation and confidence. This session focuses on how building your confidence will help you become more assertive.

  • Body language – what is yours saying? How do you read it in others?
  • Building language skills
  • Communicating professionally
  • Listening 2:1

Behaving assertively in difficult or stressful situations is when it is more challenging and most valuable.

  • Taking the situation into account
  • Reviewing your inner dialogue
  • Saying ‘no’
  • Standing your ground
  • Recognising and dealing with workplace bullying
  • Giving & receiving praise and criticism
  • Benefiting from win-win assertiveness using the Thomas-Kilmann matrix (TKI)

We finish this course with a section where you will write your own assertiveness action plan. In it you detail what, and most importantly how, you’re going to change on your return to work. This means that if you are struggling with assertiveness in future you can refer to it to get yourself back on track.

  • What will you do differently from tomorrow?
  • Commit to your personal assertiveness action plan

Further Reading

Below are a number of useful articles on assertiveness that we recommend including one of our own!

  1. Assertiveness For Freelancers
  2. 5 Way To Improve Your Assertive Communication Skills
  3. Assertiveness Techniques

Online Training Requirements

To attend this Assertiveness course online, you will need:

Zoom on your Windows PC/laptop with a camera, speakers & microphone
A stable internet connection capable of running Zoom
To be a confident computer user and able to use Zoom

If you have access to a second screen, we would encourage you to use it as it improves the experience. This will allow you to take notes without disrupting the flow of your session!