How To Build Your Self-Confidence [5 Tips!]
Self-confidence affects all areas of life.
As a manager, you need to be confident in yourself to lead others well.
Without it, people struggle to make significant progress in all areas of their life.
It has a cascading effect on all aspects of our daily life.
And it is also a key building block of our Line Management courses, helping build a strong foundation with confidence.
5 Ways To Build Your Self-Confidence
1. Get realistic with yourself
Work from the inside out. Take time to evaluate your skills and current commitments before you make
That way when you answer you’re doing so from a position of having thought things through and so a position of confidence.
2. Don’t compare yourself to others
Comparison destroys self-confidence.
This is one of the main drivers of imposter syndrome, focusing on others instead of yourself.
There will always be someone more affluent, more intelligent or more accomplished than you in one area, but remember you don’t know what’s going on in the rest of their life.
If you have to be competitive, make it with yourself.
Compare yourself with who you were yesterday – are you doing better or worse?
Focusing on your growth and how far you have come is a great way to boost your self-confidence.
3. Take better care of your body
A healthy body does wonders for your self-confidence.
You will feel better and that will show itself in everything that you do.
Following a simple regime of healthy eating and exercise will boost your confidence pretty quickly.
This will also result in you feeling less stressed. Self-confident people can manage stress and stay in control.
Healthy habits and living is just one way they do it!
4. Learn and get inspired by your past
If you’ve successfully achieved a goal in the past, then you can do it again.
Make a list of past accomplishments that you are really proud of and keep it close.
Go back to it regularly for inspiration. Remind yourself of the awesome things you’ve done in the past to inspire what you can do now.
If you failed at your goal in the past, what can you learn from it?
This is closely related to point 2 above.
5. Keep trying new and uncomfortable things
Self-confidence is about handling new and uncomfortable situations.
Therefore, doing small things that stretch you every day is a great way to improve your self-confidence.
This can take any form. Strike up a quick conversation with a stranger, try a new hobby. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, even a little, and you do it anyway, it’ll help.
Resilience & Self-Confidence
Resilience is the ability to bounce back after challenges or setbacks.
Resilient people are mentally tough, they can lose everything and come back stronger.
Trying something again when you’ve failed several times requires guts. That’s where self-confidence comes in.
Research shows that self-confident people are more likely to bounce back, and that they do so faster after a setback.
Their belief in their ability to succeed allows them to do this.
They chalk up failures as learning opportunities and use the lessons to build back bigger and better.
Self-confidence improves every aspect of a person’s life, but it is earned.
With it, you can accomplish more at work, improve relationships and, more importantly, improve health and well-being.
Use the tips above to foster and develop yours.