News & Tips
How To Say No Without Saying No [3 Easy Ways with Examples]
As a manager, you have to learn to say “No”. But being harsh isn’t the only way to go about it. ‘No’ is a direct and blunt word, which can kill motivation if used at the wrong time. Learning…
You Should Learn Power BI [How And Why]
Power BI stands for Power Business Intelligence. It is the leading business intelligence and data visualization tool. Microsoft Power BI’s transforms data from multiple sources into actionable insights. It is used by business analysts, business intelligence analysts and supply chain…
Managing Conflict In Your Team – 6 Quick Tips
When you run a team of talented and passionate people: You will have plenty of disagreements. Capable, assertive people will express their opinions clearly. Sometimes others will disagree with them as a consequence. This isn’t a negative, but a positive.…
Import Data To Excel With Power Query! [2 Step-By-Step Examples]
Power Query transforms data and makes it usable. You can import any data into a Microsoft Excel sheet and then transform it for your needs. This includes adding or deleting columns, filtering data, changing the data type, merging tables,…

Eat That Frog – Beat Procrastination In 3 Steps!
What Does It Mean? “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”…

What Is A PERT Chart & How To Use Them!
Mapping out a big project can be a huge challenge. With so many details to work out and schedules to work around… You need a PERT Chart! They visually represent a project’s task, dependencies and estimated time. PERT Chart In…
Why Should You Learn Excel?
Excel is more than just a spreadsheet program. It is an essential tool to and can guide your way to success. No matter which field you work in or plan to work in, you should master your Excel skills.…
How Managers Can Build Fair Approval Workflows to Boost Employee Trust
Approval workflows are a mundane fact of corporate life. It’s not surprising that many see them as a procedural necessity and nothing more! But putting thought into how they’re designed has a big impact on how your employees perceive the…
[Power BI Security] 7 Quick Tips To Get Started!
One of the most valuable features of Power BI is its security features. They’re comprehensive and easy to work with – a rare combination! This beginners’ article looks at Power BI’s top 7 security features. Power BI has plenty more…
All About Power BI Templates (With Download Links!)
Templates are critical to increasing your work speed as you become a more advanced Power BI user. This article walks you through what they are and how to use them in detail with the help of an example. Templates are…
Creating A Combo Chart (Two-Axis Chart) In Power BI
In this article, you will learn how to quickly create and edit the formatting of Power BI combo charts. Combo charts are dual-axis charts (they have a secondary Y-axis), making them great ways to compare two different datasets against another…
Understanding Merge Queries & Append Queries [Power BI Guide]
In this article, we will walk step-by-step through how to use Power BI merge queries, and Power BI append queries to combine data or for data preparation. You will also learn to use fuzzy matching features when merging queries in…