News & Tips

Three levels of management

The 3 Levels Of Management

An efficient and clearly defined management structure is key to the successful operation of a business. A business will have a management hierarchy of individuals. Each level of the hierarchy holds responsibility for managing a part (large or small) of…

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Icon showing SQL and a database icon

SQL Aggregate Functions

SQL aggregate functions are functions that perform calculations on multiple rows and return an aggregated single value. For instance, the SUM() aggregate function in SQL server adds all the values in a table column and returns the overall sum. But…

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Man looking at SQL database stored safely in a safe

SQL Interview Questions

This article explains the type of interview questions that can be asked for SQL-related job positions such as database developer, database administrator, full stack developer, or even for general programming positions.  Depending upon the experience level required, the SQL interview…

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All About Procrastination

Source: Unsplash Procrastination is part and parcel of the human experience. We all have put off doing something important to “relax” or “think about the task.” Much stems from how our brains are wired for immediate rewards, which enhances survival.…

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