Business Booking Details

Payment Of Invoices

For bookings from established businesses, we do not require payment at the point of booking.

We will send you an invoice which you can submit to your accounts payable system.

Purchase Orders

If your employer uses a purchase order (P.O.) system to manage supplier invoices that is no problem.

  • If you already have a P.O. number when booking add it to the PO number box on the booking form, and we will include it on your invoice.
  • If you need an invoice to generate a P.O. number in your accounts system, please book the course as normal and add a note in the PO number box – to be provided
  • We will send you an invoice (without a P.O.) which you can use to generate a P.O..
  • We will then re-issue your invoice with your P.O. included when you provide us with it


You are not able to pay directly online at the time of booking, we issue an invoice for all bookings.

We accept payment either via direct bank transfer or card

Our invoices contain our bank details if you would like to pay by bank transfer and there is also information on how to pay by card.

Please note, if you are using a business card there is a surcharge of 2% to cover the payment processing charges.

If you are totally new to SharePoint or only have a very basic understanding, this is the place to start.

Master the basics of SharePoint document management on our 1-day User Fundamentals training course.

Our friendly, certified SharePoint trainers will have you confidently using SharePoint in no time.

A complete beginners’ SharePoint course that covers all the basics.
Plenty of one-to-one attention and time to ask questions.
Friendly expert trainers, small groups and a comfortable place to learn.

Looking for a more advanced SharePoint course? Our intermediate course is designed to follow on from this or see our other SharePoint courses.

What Will I Learn?

This course includes plenty of changes to practise so that you can consolidate what you are learning.

Things you’ll learn include:

  • What is SharePoint Online
  • Navigating SharePoint
  • Editing your Profile Page
  • Overview of Delve

Full Course Details

Download full course details Download full course details

Click on the sections below to see exactly what you cover on this course.

The first section of the course focuses on introducing sharepoint, explaining the terminology that is commonly used and some typical uses.

The key topics covered are:

  • What is SharePoint Online
  • Team and Communication Sites Overview
  • Roles and Responsibilities in a SharePoint environment
  • SharePoint Terminology
  • Access to SharePoint Online – Web, File Explorer, Teams, Desktop Apps

Then we move on to how you can navigate around SharePoint, giving you an insight on how to use it efficiently. This section will make sure you know how to do what you want to do quickly and effectively.

The key topics covered are:

  • Navigation Elements in a SharePoint site
  • Navigating to Your Delve Profile
  • Following a Site

This section covers how to start managing the social network side of SharePoint. It gives an overview of the Delve system and gives a detailed tutorial on how you can use it.

The key topics covered are:

  • Overview of Delve
  • Navigating to your Delve Account
  • Editing your Profile Page
  • Checking the Language and Region settings
  • Working with Favourites & Boards

Now you are comfortable with the basics of SharePoint, the course moves on to show how you can add documents into your SharePoint site.

The key topics covered are:

  • Creating new files via SharePoint Online, Online Apps, Desktop Apps
  • Creating Folders in a Document Library]
  • Live Document AutoSave
  • Understanding MetaData
  • Saving Files within the Online Apps
  • Saving Files from the Desktop Apps

To continue on with the document work, this session teaches you how to work with the Documents once they are on SharePoint.

The key topics covered are:

  • Opening Files from Desktop Apps vs Online
  • Editing Files from Desktop Apps vs Online
  • Working with Document Check Out/In
  • Working with Document Version History
  • Uploading single and multiple documents
  • Renaming Files
  • Copying and Moving Files
  • Deleting and Restoring Files

This session explains how you can then organise your SharePoint, managing the way Documents, Files and Metadata is shown to you. Metadata is also explained in full.

The key topics covered are:

  • Document Views
  • Sorting and Filtering document Views
  • Pinning Files within a Library
  • Searching for Files
  • Understanding Metadata
  • Adding/Editing Metadata to new and existing documents

This section shows how you can use SharePoint with other users, collaborating with others at the workplace.

The key topics covered are:

  • Adding Comments
  • Co-Authoring Files
  • Best Practice for Sharing Documents
  • Sharing Documents Internally and Externally
  • Sharing Files via Document Libraries, Desktop App, Email, File Explorer
  • Manage Access including Stop Sharing

To expand your knowledge on how SharePoint files can be accessed, we explain each option you have for some extra insurance.

The key topics covered are:

  • Benefits and Disadvantages of Sync
  • Syncing to File Explorer
  • Creating shortcut to OneDrive
  • Following Sites
  • Pin to Quick Access

Finally the course ends with an expansive section on lists. Explaining the concept fully and giving detailed examples on how to create and use them.

The key topics covered are:

  • Understanding Lists
  • Navigating within Lists
  • Creating a new Entry – Form vs Grid View
  • Editing a List Entry
  • Creating a Personal List
  • Share a Personal List
  • Working with Alerts on Lists
  • Working with List Version History

Am I Ready For This Course?

Don’t worry, you don’t need any previous experience with SharePoint to attend this course.

This course is designed for people who haven’t used SharePoint before.

To attend you only need a basic understanding of working with computers and Windows. If you can work with multiple windows, navigate the desktop, and know how to save a file you’ll be absolutely fine.

Familiarity with 365 is beneficial – but not essential!

If you need to extend on this, our intermediate course is designed to follow on from this course.

Not sure if this is the course for you?

Give us a call, we’d be delighted to help advise you!



The Training Day

Our courses include everything that you need for a really productive day of training.

Our courses run from 9.30am to roughly 4.15pm with refreshments and biscuits throughout the day and a break for lunch.

We offer a relaxed, supportive learning environment, fully air-conditioned training facilities and some of the nicest instructors on the planet.

Also, you’ll receive:

A full-colour manual which covers everything in the course.
Your course exercises so that you can practice at home.
A Certificate of Attendance.


Online Training Requirements

To attend this SharePoint course online, you will need:

SharePoint on your Windows PC/laptop with a camera, speakers & microphone
A stable internet connection capable of running Zoom
To be a confident computer user and able to use Zoom to attend the course

If you have access to a second screen, we would encourage you to use it as it improves the experience.

Outcome Requirements
The main requirement for this course will be that the delegate can:
•Create a Site
•Update Permissions
All other tasks can be completed as they will be the Site Owners in other words they have Full Control status.
Before the course is delivered, the delegate will need their IT dept to create a Training Site and assign them Site Owner status. This will mean they can perform the tasks ie., document library creation, list creation, page creation which is what we will be covering on the training course.