Business Booking Details

Payment Of Invoices

For bookings from established businesses, we do not require payment at the point of booking.

We will send you an invoice which you can submit to your accounts payable system.

Purchase Orders

If your employer uses a purchase order (P.O.) system to manage supplier invoices that is no problem.

  • If you already have a P.O. number when booking add it to the PO number box on the booking form, and we will include it on your invoice.
  • If you need an invoice to generate a P.O. number in your accounts system, please book the course as normal and add a note in the PO number box – to be provided
  • We will send you an invoice (without a P.O.) which you can use to generate a P.O..
  • We will then re-issue your invoice with your P.O. included when you provide us with it


You are not able to pay directly online at the time of booking, we issue an invoice for all bookings.

We accept payment either via direct bank transfer or card

Our invoices contain our bank details if you would like to pay by bank transfer and there is also information on how to pay by card.

Please note, if you are using a business card there is a surcharge of 2% to cover the payment processing charges.

Become a Photoshop retouching expert and master Photoshop’s most advanced retouching features and tools.

As this is a hands-on Photoshop course, there is plenty of time to experiment with the techniques you are being taught.

✔ A course focused on Photoshop’s advanced retouching tools.
✔ Plenty of one-to-one attention and time to ask questions.
✔ Friendly, experienced trainers, small groups and a comfortable place to learn.
✔ All the materials and extras that you’ll ever need.
✔ Ongoing support and help with any issues you have after the course.

What Will I Learn?

As on all of our Photoshop courses, this training course involves working on multiple examples and exercises. With the trainer present, this allows you to try out what you are learning and ask questions if you get stuck.

By the end of the course you will:

  • Have a deep understanding of white balance and lighting.
  • Know how to precisely clean up difficult areas of images like hair, skin, eyes, teeth and clothing.
  • Ensure that every product shot is perfect.
  • Understand how to get colour adjustments just right.

Am I Ready For This Course?

This is an advanced Photoshop course. It assumes that you are already an experienced Photoshop user.

It is recommended that you have either attended our advanced Adobe Photoshop training course or have developed a good working knowledge of the topics covered in that course before you attend.

The Training Day

Our training courses run from 9.30 am to roughly 4.30 pm with plenty of refreshments throughout the day and a break for lunch.

We offer a fun, relaxed learning environment and comfortable, fully air-conditioned training facilities. We also have some of the nicest instructors on the planet.

Also included with every course is:

✔ A full-colour manual which covers everything in the course.
✔ Your course exercises so that you can practice at home.
✔ A Certificate of Attendance.


Course Details

  • Analysing your images
  • Sketching your ideas
  • Setting up your Brushes
  • Working with Camera Raw

  • Using the Shadows/Highlights filter
  • Adjusting skin colours with Levels and Curves
  • Using contrast to add colour

  • Using Adjustment Layers
  • Enhancing colours
  • Boosting your colours
  • Adding colour via contrast

  • Dust and Scratches
  • Using the Healing Brush
  • Using the Spot Healing Brush
  • The Patch Tool
  • Clone Stamp
  • Filters

  • The Brush and Clone Stamp tools
  • Using Blends
  • Reshaping and styling hair
  • Working with the Liquify, Puppet and Warp features
  • Adding depth and highlights
  • Patching and removing gaps in hair
  • Dealing with receding hairlines and thickening hair
  • Changing hair colour

  • Using Puppet Warp and Liquify

  • Reducing wrinkles
  • Softening and smoothing techniques for skin
  • Creating a Frequency separation
  • Using the Dodge and Burn techniques
  • Blend Modes, brushes and the clone stamp tools

  • Brightening
  • Changing eye colours
  • Sharpness techniques

  • Controlling colours
  • Whitening teeth in a natural way
  • Applying the effects

  • Reshaping using Liquify
  • Colouring
  • Reshaping

  • Reshaping
  • Cleaning-up
  • Creating a brush

  • Smoothing wrinkles
  • Retouching clothing
  • Adding a pattern to clothing

  • Colour Correcting product shots
  • Cleaning up
  • Removing Colour casts

Online Training Requirements

To attend this PhotoShop course online, you will need:

PhotoShop on your Windows PC with a camera, speakers & microphone
A stable internet connection capable of running Zoom
To be a confident computer user and able to use Zoom

If you have access to a second screen, we would encourage you to use it as it improves the experience.