50 Quick Tips To Master Interviews

Job Interviews can be a nerve-wracking experience.

Interviews are standard practice, they aren’t going anywhere.

And without mastering them, you will never become a manager!

People shaking hands

50 Top Tips For A Great Interview

  1. Look professional – dress smartly even it seems like a casual interview!
  2. Know the job description inside out so that you can think on your feet.
  3. Do your research on the company and use this to tailor answers.
  4. Prepare answers tailored to the job description beforehand.
  5. Prove that you would be a good fit with the company culture.
  6. Don’t be dishonest about past experience and credentials.
  7. Be polite at all times and to everyone who you meet, not just your interviewers.
  8. Don’t speak negatively about your current/previous workplace.
  9. Ensure that you don’t smell of cigarette smoke, strong scented perfume or cologne, etc.
  10. Arrive 15 minutes early to account for any time spent going through security.
  11. Add at least 30 minutes to your predicted journey time to account for traffic or unforeseen delays.
  12. Know who your points of contact are.
  13. Think of questions that may be asked beforehand so you can prepare suitable answers for them.
  14. Ask some questions that show you have researched the company or job at hand.
  15. Demonstrate excellent communication skills by being articulate but not rehearsed.
  16. Maintain eye contact with your interviewer/s.
  17. Greet with a firm hand shake.
  18. Maintain a good posture throughout the interview.
  19. Do not fold your arms during the interview.
  20. Don’t be uncomfortable with pauses and fill them with unnecessary words.
  21. Build a good rapport with everyone you meet during the process.
  22. Be yourself.
  23. Come across confident in yourself and abilities without being arrogant.
  24. Have any documents or resources needed at hand.
  25. Have paper based back up if you have to deliver a presentation.
  26. Put your mobile phone on silent or switch it off.
  27. Have some questions you want to ask prepared beforehand.
  28. Keep answers focused on the question asked.
  29. Show enthusiasm for the job and the company.
  30. Follow-up the interview with a thank you email or letter.
  31. End all answers on a positive note.
  32. Have conviction in your answers.
  33. Make sure shoes are polished.
  34. Ensure your clothes are cleaned and ironed.
  35. Know why you want the job and genuinely express your reasons during your interview.
  36. Listen to others when they are speaking.
  37. Stay focused instead of letting your mind wander.
  38. Avoid using slang.
  39. Know your CV/resume.
  40. Include how you overcome specific weaknesses.
  41. Get enough sleep the night before.
  42. Eat well beforehand to avoid stomach grumblings!
  43. Relax.
  44. Don’t fidget during the interview.
  45. Follow the company on social media sites to ensure you have up to date knowledge.
  46. Treat everyone with the same courtesy.
  47. Use body language to support your listening skills e.g. nodding your head.
  48. Walk with a sense of purpose.
  49. Research the company’s competitors so that you have a basis for comparison.
  50. Don’t be afraid to disagree with your interviewer.

Woman providing professional coaching

Why Are Job Interviews So Hard?

You don’t get a second chance at making a first impression.

We have to to cast our anxiousness aside and stride in with confidence.

Although all hiring managers account for nervousness; you do not want it to interfere with your performance.

Like many things in life, there is no one thing that will allow you to ace an interview process.

Instead, lots of different things contribute to interview success.

So refer back to these tips at any time!

Once you ace the interview and get the job, prepare by learning more about being a line manager!

Final Thoughts

It sounds like a lot to remember and when listed like this.

However, most of the points are linked to one another and are based in common sense.

And each tip works fine in isolation!

If nothing else gives you confidence; just remember that the interviewers want to meet you based on what they know so far.

That means you are already halfway to success!

Our small, intensive courses are the fastest way to improve your skills.manager-promo-1


About Ben Richardson

Ben is a director of Acuity Training which he has been running for over 10 years.

He is a Natural Sciences graduate from the University of Cambridge and a qualified accountant with the ICAEW.

He previously worked as a venture capitalist and banker and so had extensive experience with Excel from building financial models before moving to learn SQL, Microsoft Power BI and other technologies more recently.